Portfolio Simulation & Forecasting
Validate decisions precisely based on feasibility, scenarios and prioritization
The new requirements for portfolio management: agility and responsiveness
Constant change requires a new form of portfolio management. A cumbersome and usually quarterly-based evaluation had to become an agile, anticipatory and fast instrument for valid decision making within a very short time. In the agile scaling context often referred to as Lean Portfolio Management (LPM).
Portfolio Simulation & What If | Valkeen Consulting Infographs
Portfolio prioritization and capacity
Constant change requires a new form of portfolio management. Portfolio prioritization is based on company-specific prioritization factors. Specifically, KPIs and a KPI system. The prioritization concept of our consulting solution includes best-practice prioritization factors on the one hand but also feasibility in an integrated quadrant model. This way, our customers can weigh up precisely between importance and feasibility and set prioritization adequately.
A very simplified example: Initiative X is less important, but feasible. Whereas initiative Y is very important, but currently not feasible. Our prioritization quadrant model with above- and below-the-line analysis resolves this complexity. As a result, decision-makers can directly simulate which projects need to be stopped and paused in order to implement project A. Via resource transparency the resulting scenario is often contrary to expectations: such as to better execute 6 projects of priority “C” instead of just one project of priority “A”.
Looking to the future: simulation, scenario comparisons and strategic decision templates
Organizations today must therefore be able to plan or anticipate for several scenarios and time horizons and be able to ad-hoc answer an almost infinite set of questions. These questions mostly are either caused by bottlenecks or have direct consequences on the resource and utilization situation.
Companies that manage to provide answers can rapidly integrate external and internal changes into their strategies, weigh up scenarios against each other and take the necessary measures well in advance.
Valkeen Expertise | Simulation, Tool & data quality
For the resilience and speed of reaction, companies depend technically (1) on applied and adapted best practices on the one hand and (2) on purpose build tools specifically designed for resource and portfolio management on the other. Both determine data quality and thus the strategic decision-making on enterprise level. We offer solutions that address both.